Giuseppe Mignemi (1966) graduated with honors in Piano (1986) and in Composition (2007), as well as in Choral Music and Choir Direction (Florence 1993), in Vocal Polyphonic Composition (Milan 1999) and in Band Instrumentation ( Cosenza 2004). He obtained the II level Degrees in Composition and Choir Conducting (Messina 2009) and in Composition (Messina 2011), both with honors and honorable mention. He specialized in Contemporary Composition (F. Donatoni) and Film Music (E. Morricone) at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena. In 1995 and 1997 he received two mentions of artistic merit at the National Piano Composition Competition in Savona. In 1998 and 2003 he obtained the 1st absolute prize at the National Composition Competition for Sacred Music of Cassino (Choir and organ, Choir and band).